Product Packaging Redesign Overview

Project Overview:

This project focused on redesigning the packaging for an energy drink with a unique theme inspired by Harry Potter. The concept revolved around the Unforgivable Curses, transforming them into distinct flavors for the drinks. The flavors included Occidere (Electric Green), Imperium (Blueberry Punch), and Tormentum (Dragon's Breath).

Role and Responsibilities & Tools:

  • Illustrator
  • As the lead designer, I was responsible for brainstorming, conducting research, designing, and finalizing the packaging design.

Project Details:

Problem Statement
Directly using the actual names of the Unforgivable Curses was not permissible, so I needed to create a unique twist on the Harry Potter theme while maintaining the essence of the spells.
Developed new names for the spells, inspired by Latin, to align with the Harry Potter theme without direct copying.
  1. Conducted extensive research on the Unforgivable Curses and their characteristics.
  2. Brainstormed and created initial design concepts in Illustrator.
  3. Performed usability testing and gathered feedback.
  4. Iterated on designs based on feedback and finalized the packaging.
Outcomes and Impact:

The redesigned packaging successfully captured the magical essence of the Harry Potter theme while introducing a fresh and creative twist. The new packaging received positive feedback for its originality and visual appeal, enhancing the product's marketability and consumer engagement.